PAN: AAHCB5693G 80 G Number: AAHCB5693GF20212 +91-7620371163

Our Work

Our Work

Health of child

Every child deserves the best chance for a bright future. And that’s why we are fiercely committed to ensuring children not only survive, but thrive. Bold in our ambition and powerful in our care, we do whatever it takes to save the world’s children.

Student Education

We focus on providing primary education to underprivileged and marginalized sections of society. We take education right to the doorstep of these children, which are often pavements, slums or streets!

Health care

Hygiene is what keeps and promotes the health of people. Our Health care programs provide quality care in rural India. Water & Sanitation, Health & Nutrition, Education, Economic Development Services.

Support Programme

The main purpose of this scheme is to promote and assist various NGOs including RWAs, Voluntary organizations in the conservation, preservation of environment and pollution control activities. Under the programme, we are supposed to provide equity support in order to avail finance.


We approach to livelihood includes reducing economic and social vulnerability by enhancing employability, skill-building and vocational guidance to help increasing income and earning potential through rights advocacy and focus on augmenting rural income through the use of improved and sustainable agricultural practices.

Women Empowerment

We are working towards the education of girls / women specially in rural areas by educating the village authority and the seniors about the equality of men and women as well as we are also working against dowry system, preventing the family breakups after marriages as the cause of dowry.

Yoga consultation for health

It is essential to maintain not only health of body but also health of mind. The greatest aspect of holistic health is its recognition of the role played by mind in health. “Mind is omnipotent” said Freud and he has shown that the unconscious played a key role in causing certain disease which came to be described as psychosomatic disease. He looked upon the unconscious chiefly as the repository of negative emotions.

On the contrary new concept is that if negative emotions could cause ‘illness’, ‘positive emotions’ can cause ‘well-ness’. The attention of medical experts and the imagination of the public was captured by this innovative idea. Freud’s early disciple Carl Jung expanded the concept of the Unconscious to make it include good emotions and even spiritual urges. Although the scientific picture of body, mind interrelationship is not given here, it is proved by research that when stress goes beyond a certain tolerance level (which varies from person to person) the system breaks down resulting in ill-ness.

Our Impact

Health campaign

Motivational facilities to students

Rights & Entitlements Programs